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    Bailey Flower Essences

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    Bailey Flower Essences

    Arthur Bailey Flower Essences

    Arthur Bailey

    The Bailey Flower Essences

    Created over 25 years ago by Arthur Bailey who has been involved in healing and meditation for the last 30 years. It was from that and his rigorous scientific background that these essences were developed.

    There are 101 individual Bailey Flower Essences. You can find out more about each of them by following the links below or by scrolling through the images and clicking on them.


     Algerian Iris  Dwarf Purple Vetch Mahonia   Sea Campion
     Almond  Early Purple Orchid  Marigold  Sheep's Sorrel
     Apricot Poppy  Firethorn  Marsh Thistle  Siberian Spruce
     Arizona Fir  Flame Azalea  Meadow Rue  Single Snowdrop
     Betony  Flowering Current  Mediterranean Sage  Soapwort
     Bistort  Forsythia  Milk Thistle  Solomon's Seal
     Black Locust  Foxglove   Monks Hood  Speedwell
     Blackthorn  Fuji Cherry  Moss  Spotted Orchid
     Bladder Senna  Giant Bellflower  Nasturtium  Spring Squill
     Bluebell  Greater Celendine  Norway Maple  Star of Bethlehem
     Blue Pimpernel  Hairy Sedge  Oak  Sumach
     Bog Asphodel  Hawkweed  Oriental Poppy  Thrift
     Bracken (aq)  Heath Bedstraw  Oxalis  Trailing St.John's Wort
     Bracken (alc)  Himalayan Blue Poppy  Pine Cones  Tree Mallow
     Butterbur  Holly Leaf  Pink Purslane  Tufted Vetch
     Buttercup  Honesty  Ragwort  Valerian
     Charlock  Honeysuckle  Red Clover  Welsh Poppy
     Compact Rush  Indian Balsam  Red Frangipani  White Cherry
     Conifer Mazegill  Ivy  Red Poppy  White Dead Nettle
     Cymbidium Orchid  Larch  Rhododendron  White Lotus
     Cyprus Rock Rose  Leopardsbane  Rosebay Willowherb  Wild Mallow
     Deep Red Peony  Lesser Stitchwort  Round Headed Leek  Witch Hazel
     Delphinium  Lichen  Sacred Lotus  Wood Anemone
     Dog Rose  Lilac  Scabious  Yew
     Double Snowdrop  Lily of the Valley  Scarlet Pimpernel  Yorkshire Fog
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    Picture of Algerian Iris Bailey Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Algerian Iris Bailey Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    This flower helps us to distance ourselves from sexual emotions that would otherwise dull our intuitive insights. Makes us less susceptible to getting sexually involved in relationships that are inherently flawed.
    Almond Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Almond Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    The supportive inner teacher, the guide. Forms links with our soul and encourages intuition.
    Almond Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Almond Flower Essence - 10ml stock - BARGAIN

    The supportive inner teacher, the guide. Forms links with our soul and encourages intuition. REDUCED PRICE - EXPIRY DATE 2026
    Apricot Poppy Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Apricot Poppy Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Brings beauty to barren areas of our lives. Its soft quiet persistence is what we need to survive upheaval and trauma
    Arizona Fir Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Arizona Fir Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    To help us to celebrate life and existence as spiritually based beings.
    Betony Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Betony Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    For fears that are hidden in the subconscious mind, including apparently irrational fears
    Bistort Baily Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Bistort - 10ml stock

    To provide loving support at times of major change in our lives.
    Black Locust Baily Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Black Locust Baily Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    This Essence is for protection against other peoples negative influences and psychic attack.
    Blackthorn Baily Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Blackthorn Baily Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    This Essence is for the depths of despair, when all illusions are shattered and life has no meaning.
    Bladder Senna Baily Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Bladder Senna Baily Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    This Essence is for escaping from feelings of guilt and being unworthy, brought about by judging ourselves far too harshly. It brings compassionate understanding of our past actions
    Blue Pimpernel Baily Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Blue Pimpernel Baily Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    This Essence is for rediscovering our spiritual nature whilst growing up in a superficially material world.
    Bluebell Bailey Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Bluebell Bailey Flower Essence - 10ml stock

    Low self esteem, self disgust, feeling guilty, often from childhood conditioning.
    Bog Asphodel  Bailey Flower Essence- 10ml stock

    Bog Asphodel Bailey Flower Essence- 10ml stock

    For those who sacrifice their well being and their needs to those of others.
    Bracken (Alc)  Bailey Flower Essence- 10ml stock

    Bracken (Alc) Bailey Flower Essence- 10ml stock

    Stuck in ‘child’ role. Inability to express inner feelings due to parental domination.
    Bracken (Aqu)  Bailey Flower Essence- 10ml stock

    Bracken (Aqu) Bailey Flower Essence- 10ml stock

    For allowing intuitive sensitivity which may have been blocked in childhood