Alaskan Flower, Gem and Environmental Essences
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Good for spiritual trailblazers and pioneers.
Helps us communicate with vitality, authenticity, and gentleness
Helps us exchange old unwanted energies for fresh, clean, neutral energy
Re-balances the 1st & 2nd Chakras after trauma or emotional upset.
Helps one sense and experience one's unique spiritual reality
Energizes and synchronizes the auric field, the subtle bodies, and the physical body to the earth's natural vibration
Helps the etheric body to access pranic energy
Helps us release tension and armouring around giving and receiving love
Brings the heart chakra into harmony with the green energy frequency of the planet
Increases access to divine truth and intelligence
Brings strength, clarity and definition to the auric field
Strengthens our ability to act in alignment with divine purpose
A universal heart cleanser and balancer
For breaking up blockages in the etheric body.