In the tradition of flower essences, Sharing Love Essences are vibrational remedies that support and nurture you in feeling, experiencing, and sharing love with others. Each of the seven Sharing Love Essences contains a custom combination of Wild Earth Animal Essences, created specifically to support you in feeling and expressing more love in your life.
The Sharing Love Essences emerged as this next set immediately after my workshop at Healthlines in 2009. It had been a magical weekend for me of sharing deeply with old and new friends, and I was feeling so grateful and privileged to be living a life where I am given the opportunity to share love in so many ways with so many. Out of that awareness and gratitude the Sharing Love Essences swiftly arose -- within moments I "got it". I knew that the the Sharing Love Essences would be the perfect complement to my previous work. And they speak so deeply to me because after all, it seems to me that what we are here to do with one another is quite simple at its most basic level: Share Love!
So the Sharing Love Essences provide powerful support for feeling and expressing love in many of the most common areas of life where love is expressed and shared. It begins, of course, with self-love, and for that the essence is Loving Yourself. As the Dalai Lama said, "Genuine love should first be directed at oneself – if we do not love ourselves, how can we love others?" So Loving Yourself helps us to deepen our love and respect for ourselves, with the support of Swan, Dolphin, Peacock, Wolf Pup, and Fawn, and is a powerful formula for those who do not know how to love themselves fully. And from there the set expands and supports us in many of the ways that we experience and share love with others: Loving Relationship, Loving Parent, Loving Child, Loving Service, Loving Compassion and Sharing Love.
The Sharing Love Essences consist of 7 combination formulas of the Wild Earth Animal Essences, each with a specific focus and intention.
They are meant to be used individually and not in sequence.
The Sharing Love range are available in either 'stock' concentrate or ready to take bottles. You would normally buy the stock concentrate if you are a practitioner and want to make up bottles for different clients, or if you will be working with an issue over an extended period of time. If not, we recommend the ready to take bottle for convenience.