True beauty comes from within using truly beautiful organic skin and body care
Australian Bush Flower Essences Body Mists and Creams are a naturopathic prescriptive skincare system developed to provide your skin and your emotions a choice of deeply nurturing and rebalancing formulations when they need them most.
More than just skin deep Firstly, your skin, the largest organ of the body, is a mirror of your emotions, stress and conflict. Emotional imbalances play the most powerful part in determining how we look and the overall health of our skin. Using Australian Bush Flowers for their profound emotional rebalancing properties was the first step in developing the worlds first skincare system that reflected and gave choice to your emotional cycles.
A unique approach to skin health Secondly, skincare regimes the world over recommend using the same product day in, day out, month in, month out, no matter what your skin or emotions are telling you. This approach can work against your skin during different emotional and skin health cycles (you wouldn’t feed your body the same meal 365 days of the year – your skin also needs a varied diet). ABFE have developed a system of interchangeable skin wellness formulations that reflect precisely your skin’s requirements, on the day your skin requires it.
A naturopathic skin system A system of 6 organic cleansing, rehydrating and clarifying mists combined with 5 organic, deeply nourishing and protecting creams provides the foundation of a skincare system that provides your skin with a daily prescriptive choice based on your skin’s condition and your emotional needs.
The Calm & Clear Essence cream is for those who are always over-committed, leaving no space for self-care.
This organic moisturiser is a skin soothing and clarifying formulation, to calm, balance and nourish before the development of problem skin conditions can arise. This was made for those who are constantly under pressure (which is reflected by their skin condition), looking to slow down and re-focus on themselves.
Apply generously to your beautiful face, hands or body as required.
Greatly enhanced results with the prior application of Soothing Firming Eye Neck Face Gel
The 50ml Emergency Essence Mist is excellent for any emotional upset and particularly during any sort of crisis. If someone needs medical help, Emergency Essence provides emotional support and comfort until help arrives. Administer as frequently as needed.
Negative Condition:
Positive Outcome:
ability to cope
Bush Flower Essences: Angelsword, Crowea, Dog Rose of the Wild Forces, Fringed Violet, Grey Spider Flower, Sundew and Waratah
The Emergency Essence Cream is ideal for times of emotional turbulence when your skin and complexion are not looking their best.
This organic moisturiser has been formulated to nature, balance and provide rich moisturisation in-need skin. It is excellent for listless and problem skin, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
An excellent moisturiser for times of pressure, emotional turbulence, sadness, grief and life’s big and little emergencies.
Apply generously to your beautiful face, hands or body as required.
A harmonious blend of Bush Essences and aromatherapy oils crafted to create a serene space for rest and renewal. This calming blend prepares your body and mind for a restful night's sleep, reducing mild insomnia symptoms and calms a busy mind. Incorporate it into your bedtime routine to unwind after a busy day, promote better health through consistent sleep and support your sleep routine anywhere, anytime.
Mist yourself and your space frequently during long and short haul flights to minimise the negative effects of travel.
We have blended high quality essential oils with our flower essences to give each mist a unique fragrance and help accentuate the positive aromatherapy benefits. The Travel mist contains Frankincense, Lavender, Geranium and Sweet Orange essential oils. This blend has been designed especially to help travellers due to their distinct subtle properties.
Frankincense is grounding soothing and elevating, working in harmony with lavender which helps one to relax. Balancing Geranium is great for helping to alleviate frustration and irritability whilst Sweet Orange oil instils a sense of confidence and a positivity in the face of new challenges. Perfect for the constant traveller!
The Travel Essence cream encourages your skin to feel and look refreshed and ready-to-go after all forms of travel. It encourages the mind and psyche to arrive feeling refreshed, ready to go.
This profoundly moisturising and rehydrating cream is imbibed with cosmetically active botanical butters, exquisite oils, herbal extracts and skin balancing Australian Bush Flower Essences that protect your skin against stuffy toxic environments, including offices, cars and planes. It’s refreshing and moisture-protective formula will rebalance your mind and body, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Apply generously to your beautiful face, hands or body as required.
The personal mist is a convenient and refreshing way to use Woman Essence. All the uses and benefits of the drops.
We have blended high quality essential oils with our flower essences to give each mist a unique fragrance and help accentuate the positive aromatherapy benefits. The Woman space mist contains Rose, Lavender, Geranium and Bergamot essential oils. This blend has been designed specially to help Women due to their distinct subtle properties.
Rose oil is the oil of Venus and is effective in all levels of life; for the soul, spirit and body. Rose reminds us to nurture ourselves. Lavender is often referred to as the ‘mother’ of essential oils. Lavender is able to care for a multitude of emotional issues and just like a mother can accomplish several jobs at the same time. Geranium balances the body and mind and is also great for creating a sense of security to help wash away unnecessary tensions.
The Woman Essence cream encourages the revival of a woman’s own innate strength and beauty through life’s emotional cycles and seasons of change.
The nurturing and balancing Woman Essence Moisturiser is a blend of the most exquisite essential oils, beautifully nurturing botanical butters, herbs and skin rebalancing Australian Bush Flower Essences. It is excellent during all cycles of a woman’s life, and improves the appearance of fine lines and skin texture.
Apply generously to your beautiful face, hands or body as required.
Helps to find time for one's self, to relax without external pressures and demands, to wind down and enjoy relaxing pursuits.Use the mist to gently spray your aura and personal space