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    Australian Bush Flower Essences

    Bush Flower Essence Combinations

    Australian Bush Flower Essence Combinations

    The Australian Bush ready-made flower essence combinations have been selected and developed to address a wide range of life issues. They are excellent for enhancing well-being and are useful to have with you for specific situations. 

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    Brown oral spray Australian Bush Abund Combination 30ml

    Abund Australian Bush Essence 30ml Oral Spray

    Aids in releasing negative beliefs, family patterns, sabotage and fear of lack. In so doing, it allows you to be open to fully receiving great riches on all levels, not just financial. Easy to Use: Just two squirts on the tongue.
    Abund Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Abund Australian Bush Essence Combination

    Aids in releasing negative beliefs, family patterns, sabotage and fear of lack. In so doing, it allows you to be open to fully receiving great riches on all levels, not just financial. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue.
    Boost Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination 30ml

    Boost Australian Bush Essence Combination 30ml

    This essence has been specifically formulated to support and boost you through these changing and challenging times in dealing with the global pandemic crisis. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue. Negative Condition Overwhelmed by change Deep sadness and grief Concern Feeling "out of sorts" Overly sensitive to others or to the negative energies of situations or environments Positive Outcome Resilience Calm & balanced Feeleing safe and reassured Coping with change Grounded Courage Contains: Bottlebrush, Bush Iris, Crowea, Dog Rose, Fringed Violet, Illawarra Flame Tree, Sturt Desert Pea, Sundew. Formulation: Vibrational infusions of the flowers above, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.
    From £10.95
    Carers Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination 30ml

    Carers Australian Bush Essence Combination 30ml

    Supports the caregiver to feel their inner strength and their resilience when they are feeling overwhelmed, worn out, or burdened by the responsibility of looking after another. The Carers Essence helps one to feel calm, optimistic, able to cope, and also pay heed to and look after their own needs. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue.
    From £10.95
    Emergency Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination 30ml

    Emergency Australian Bush Essence Combination

    Drops, Stock, Cream, Mist Negative Condition Panic Distress Fear Positive Outcome Ability to cope Comfort, reassurance and courage
    From £10.95
    Men's Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Men's Australian Bush Essence Combination 30ml

    For men always on the go, off and rushing which can lead to impatience and irritability. Releases deep-held grief and sadness. Finding and expressing one’s feelings.
    Adol Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Adol Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Addresses the major issues teenagers commonly experience. It enhances acceptance of self, communication, social skills, harmony in relationships, maturity, emotional stability and optimism. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue. Negative Condition Feeling of hopelessness Insensitive Sense of not belonging "It's not fair" attitude Embarrassment Rebellious Anger Positive Outcome Coping with change Consideration of others Enhances communication Self Esteem Contains: Billy Goat Plum, Boab, Bottlebrush, Dagger Hakea, Five Corners, Flannel Flower, Kangaroo Paw, Red Helmet Orchid, Southern Cross, Sunshine Wattle and Tall Yellow Top. Formulation: Biogenic essences of the below flowers, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.
    Calm and Clear Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Calm and Clear Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Drops, Oral Spray, Cream, Mist Negative condition: -Always rushing, Too much to do , No time for oneself Positive outcome: -Ability to pace oneself, Ability to relax, Calm
    From £10.95
    Focus Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Focus Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Gives clarity and focus when working, speaking, reading or studying. It balances the intuitive and cognitive processes and helps integrate ideas and information. Excellent for study or pursuits that require intense focus. It assists problem solving by improving access to the Higher Self, which stores all past knowledge and experiences. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue. Negative Condition Daydreaming Confusion Overwhelm Positive Outcome Assimilates ideas Clarity and focus Enhances all learning abilities and skills Contains: Bush Flower Essences: Bush Fuchsia, Isopogon, Jacaranda, Paw Paw, Sundew. Formulation: Biogenic essences of the flowers above, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.
    From £10.95
    Confid Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Confid Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Brings out the positive qualities of self esteem and confidence. It allows us to feel comfortable around other people and resolve negative beliefs we may hold about ourselves as well as any guilt we may harbour from past actions. This combination also helps us to take responsibility for situations and events that occur in our lives and realise that we have the ability and power not only to change those events, but also to create those we want. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue. Negative Condition Low self esteem Guilt Shyness Lack of conviction Victim mentality Positive Outcome Taking responsibility for one's life Integrity Confidence Personal power True to one's self Contains: Boab, Dog Rose, Five Corners, Southern Cross, Sturt Desert Rose. Formulation: Biogenic essences of the flowers above, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.
    From £10.95
    Picture of Creative 30ml Oral Spray

    Creative 30ml Oral Spray

    Inspires creative and emotional expression and gives courage and clarity in public speaking and singing. This Essence frees the voice. It also helps to clear creative blocks and to find creative solutions in all of life’s pursuits. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue.
    Negative Condition
    Creative blocks and inhibitions
    Difficulty expressing feelings

    Positive Outcome
    Enhances singing
    Creative expression
    Clarity of voice
    Public speaking

    contains: Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Five Corners, Flannel Flower, Red Grevillea, Tall Mulla Mulla, Turkey Bush.

    Formulation: Biogenic essences of the flowers above, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.
    Creative Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Creative Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Inspires creative and emotional expression and gives courage and clarity in public speaking and singing. This Essence frees the voice. It also helps to clear creative blocks and to find creative solutions in all of life’s pursuits. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue.

    Negative Condition
    Creative blocks and inhibitions
    Difficulty expressing feelings

    Positive Outcome
    Enhances singing
    Creative expression
    Clarity of voice
    Public speaking

    contains: Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Five Corners, Flannel Flower, Red Grevillea, Tall Mulla Mulla, Turkey Bush.

    Formulation: Biogenic essences of the flowers above, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.
    Creative Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Creative Bush Flower Essence

    Inspires creative and emotional expression and gives courage and clarity in public speaking and singing. This Essence frees the voice. It also helps to clear creative blocks and to find creative solutions in all of life’s pursuits. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue. Negative Condition Creative blocks and inhibitions Difficulty expressing feelings Positive Outcome Enhances singing Creative expression Clarity of voice Public speaking contains: Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Five Corners, Flannel Flower, Red Grevillea, Tall Mulla Mulla, Turkey Bush. Formulation: Biogenic essences of the flowers above, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.
    From £10.95
    Dynamis Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Dynamis Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Negative Condition:
    -Temporary loss of drive and enthusiasm
    Positive Outcome:
    -Enthusiasm, Harmonises vital forces, Centres
    From £10.95
    Electro Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Electro Australian Bush Flower Essence Combination

    Greatly relieves fear and distress associated with earth, electrical and electromagnetic radiation. It helps to bring one into balance with the natural rhythms of the earth. Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue. Negative Condition Harmful environments Feeling drained and flat Out of balance with earth rhythms Positive Outcome Reduces emotional effects of radiation Protection from harmful electro magnetic fields Contains: Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Fringed Violet, Mulla Mulla, Paw Paw and Waratah. Formulation: Biogenic essences of the below flowers, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.
    From £10.95