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Alaskan Research Gem Essences

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Alaskan Flower, Gem and Environmental Essences

AlaskanResearch Gem Elixirs

Steve Johnson, who creates these essences, is continually involved in the exciting process of developing new flower, gem, and environmental essences. These new essences are subjected to an ongoing process of research and review to determine which of them are ready to be released to the public as "research essences". The following lists denote those essences that have been released, but are still in the early stages of their research and development.

These lists are based on years of attunement and preliminary feedback from practitioners and clients who are using these essences in a variety of therapeutic situations around the world.

His intent is to fully develop the healing picture for each essence. Your feedback and comments are an important part of the research process. We encourage you to participate by submitting case studies and anecdotal stories of your experiences. If you are interested in taking part in our research program, please contact Alaskan Essences for more information.

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Amazonite - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Amazonite - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Enables us to find emotional strength through a joyful cleansing of old emotional burdens 7.5ml STOCK bottle
Amber - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Amber - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Relaxes and clears the pelvic region to promote a greater flow of energy moving down and up the spine 7.5ml Stock Bottle
Apophyllite - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Apophyllite - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Opens and softens the heart chakra and brings balance to those who have an excess of energy focused in the head 7.5ml Stock Bottle
Aragonite - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Aragonite - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Helps one be fully present and energetically connected to the earth, spirit, and another person during healing work 7.5ml Stock Bottle
Black Tourmaline/Master Quartz - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Black Tourmaline/Master Quartz - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Works at the deepest level of the physical body to improve grounding, circulation and strength 7.5ml Stock Bottle
Blue Green Tourmaline - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Blue Green Tourmaline - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Clears, expands and aligns the heart chakra into a more evolved relationship with the larger Self 7.5ml Stock Bottle
Blue Topaz - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Blue Topaz - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Helps dissipate mental confusion; strengthens mental clarity, focus and effectiveness 7.5ml Stock Bottle
Celestite - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Celestite - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Gently opens and clears the upper chakras, helping them align with the divine and angelic realms 7.5ml Stock Bottle
Cinnabar - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Cinnabar - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Stimulates the clearing of ancient karmic energy stuck in the lower chakras of the body and in the subtle bodies of the earth 7.5ml Stock Bottle
Diopside - Alaskan Research Gem Essence Essence

Diopside - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Support for moving through the density of grief and the sadness of separation. 7.5ml Stock Bottle
Fire Opal - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Fire Opal - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Facilitates long term recovery from illness or overwork 7.5ml STOCK bottle
Green Garnet - Alaskan research Gem Essence

Green Garnet - Alaskan research Gem Essence

Calming and soothing; anchors a person's energy, focus and consciousness onto the earth plane 7.5ml STOCK bottle
Green Tourmaline - Alaskan research Gem Essence

Green Tourmaline - Alaskan research Gem Essence

Helps us see through the illusion of separation and experience oneness with life 7.5ml STOCK bottl
Green Tourmaline/Smoky Quartz - Research Gem Essence

Green Tourmaline/Smoky Quartz - Research Gem Essence

Promotes concentration and firm willingness in the creative act. 7.5ml STOCK bottle
Labradorite - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Labradorite - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Helps one attract, gather, and anchor the energetic nourishment of light into the body, especially into areas of dense or stuck energy 7.5ml STOCK bottle