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    Australian Bush Flower Essences

    Bush Flower Essence Range

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    The Australian Bush Flower Essence Range

    These are the 69 individual Essences of the Australian Bush Flower Essence range.
    Each Flower Essence in the Bush Flower Essence range has it's own particular use and purpose, they can be taken individually or combined together. If, while you are looking through the Bush Essences, you feel that there are lots that might be helpful to you, we suggest that you focus on the issue that is uppermost at this time. Taking a single Essence can be very powerful but it's alright to choose several essences if they address your current issue. It's best not to try to fix everything at once though.
    By following the links or images below you can find out more about each Bush Essence.


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    Pink Flannel Flower Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Pink Flannel Flower Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negatives condition: Unhappy, Taking for granted, Easily annoyed, Unthankful ******** Positive outcome Gratefulness Being appreciative Open hearted Joie de vivre Lightness of being Heart intelligence
    Pink Mulla Mulla Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Pink Mulla Mulla Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition
    deep ancient wound on the psyche.
    Guarded and prickly,
    keeps people at a distance
    Positive Outcome
    deep spiritual healing
    trusting and opening up
    Red Grevillea Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Red Grevillea Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition feeling stuck oversensitive affected by criticism and unpleasant people too reliant on others ******** Positive Outcome boldness strength to leave unpleasant situations indifference to the judgment of others
    Red Helmet Orchid Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Red Helmet Orchid Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition rebelliousness hot-headed unresolved father issues selfishness ******** Positive Outcome male bonding sensitivity respect consideration
    Red Lily Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Red Lily Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition
    lack of focus
    Positive Outcome
    living in the present
    connection with life and God
    Red Suva Frangipani Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Red Suva Frangipani Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition emotional upheaval, turmoil and rawness about relationship. ******** Positive Outcome feeling calm and nurtured inner peace and strength to cope
    Rough Bluebell Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Rough Bluebell Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition deliberately hurtful, manipulative, exploitive or malicious ******** Positive Outcome compassion release of one's inherent love vibration, sensitivity
    She Oak Australian Bush Flower Essence

    She Oak Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition female imbalance inability to conceive for non-physical reasons ******** Positive Outcome emotionally open to conceive female balance
    Silver Princess Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Silver Princess Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition aimless despondent feeling flat lack of direction ********

    Positive Outcome motivation direction life purpose
    New stock arriving soon
    Slender Rice Flower Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Slender Rice Flower Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition prejudice racism narrow-mindedness comparison with others ******** Positive Outcome humility group harmony co-operation perception of beauty in others
    Southern Cross Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Southern Cross Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition
    victim mentality
    poverty consciousness
    Positive Outcome
    personal power
    taking responsibility

    15ml Stock bottle (concentrate)
    New stock arriving soon
    Spinifex Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Spinifex Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition sense of being a victim to illness ******** Positive Outcome empowers one through emotional understanding of illness
    Sturt Desert Pea Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Sturt Desert Pea Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition emotional pain deep hurt sadness ******** Positive Outcome letting go triggers healthy grieving releases deep held grief and sadness
    Sturt Desert Rose Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Sturt Desert Rose Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition guilt low self esteem easily led ******** Positive Outcome courage conviction true to self integrity
    Sundew Australian Bush Flower Essence

    Sundew Australian Bush Flower Essence 15ml Stock Bottle

    Negative Condition
    lack of focus
    Positive Outcome
    attention to detail
    living in the present