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Alaskan Flower, Gem and Environmental Essences

Raspberry Rutile - Alaskan Research Gem Essence

Helps us ground energy back into the body after a shocking or traumatic experience 7.5ml STOCK bottle
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Raspberry Rutile - prepares the seventh chakra to accept information from higher sources; helps translate fourth dimensional energies to the third dimension; helps us ground energy back into the body after a shocking or traumatic experience; creates strength and protection for the heart; facilitates the flexible and fluid movement of energy between the 8th chakra and the heart; helps one come into alignment with angelic energies and attune to these without distraction.

7.5ml STOCK bottle

Raspberry Rutile - prepares the seventh chakra to accept information from higher sources; helps translate fourth dimensional energies to the third dimension; helps us ground energy back into the body after a shocking or traumatic experience; creates strength and protection for the heart; facilitates the flexible and fluid movement of energy between the 8th chakra and the heart; helps one come into alignment with angelic energies and attune to these without distraction.

7.5ml STOCK bottle