Robin Chick
Robin Chick essence provides nurturing support for receiving love and nurturing as we re-parent our Inner Child and heal ourselves.
For supporting and allowing our deepest child self to receive nurturing. Releases resistance to allowing oneself to be nurtured deeply. Supports trusting that one will be cared and provided for, and that the Universe is a benevolent and loving place. For being fed at the deepest levels.
For adults:
- Who did not receive the nurturing they needed as a child.
- Who have deep blocks to receiving love and nurturing.
- Who are doing deep Inner Child work.
- Who don't experience life as a nurturing experience.
For children:
- Whose parents and caregivers are unable to express love to them.
- Who are not receiving the nurturing they need.
- Who are starving from a lack of nurturing (anorexia).