A Remedy For Everything
This seminar contains a large amount of therapeutic information on treating women's health problems, ailments during pregnancy, bowel diseases, asthma and coughs, bedwetting, tinnitus, arthritis and much more besides, using homeopathy and other natural remedies. Also includes indications for some newer remedies including Plutonium, Ozone and Redwood
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
A Remedy For Everything Else
This seminar contains a large amount of therapeutic information on treating animal ailments, learning difficulties, sciatica & other pains, migraine, smoking, fungal infections and much more besides, using homeopathy and other natural remedies. Also includes information on patient education and practitioner networking.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Becoming A Confident Prescriber
Topics include: Being true to yourself. Connecting with your life's purpose. Listening to your own body-wisdom. Exercises for personal growth. Overcoming fears and limiting beliefs. Releasing old roles & identities. Learning to trust.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Case Taking and Case Analysis
This seminar explores the pre-requisites for successful casetaking; how to establish empathy and rapport; creating healthy boundaries; listening and intuitive skills; working with reserved and 'stuck' clients; establishing the appropriate hierarchy of symptoms in the case.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Dynamic Homeopathy
Topics include: Developing awareness of the human energy system. Dynamic casetaking. The transformation of provings. Energetic materia medica. Intuitive prescribing. The emerging paradigm in healthcare.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Dynamic Materia Medica
Topics include: Understanding the human energy system. The emotional centres. The human biofield. How pain gets stored in the body. Grouping remedies in the themes that occur in practice. Learning keys to remedies, including: Organ affinities, chakras, growth issues and life siutations. Provides a model to understand all remedies new and old.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Flower Essences for Homeopaths
How flower essences differ from homeopathic remedies. Positive benefits of using flower essences for practitioners and clients. Key themes and examples from Bach, Bailey, Australian Bush, Californian, Findhorn & Alaskan essences. Casetaking and prescribing techniques for flower essences.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Health and the Planets
Topics Include: The seven major planets and the aspects of health & disease they rule. How to determine the constitutional planets for yourself and others. Why we get sick (and well!) at certain ages and times. One year and seven year cycles. Homeopathic, herbal and other natural remedies for restoring and maintaining health.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Homeopathy and the Chakras
Topics include: Energetic anatomy, physiology and pathology. Chakras as centres of consciousness. Related endocrine glands and organs. Homeopathic materia medica, therapeutics and flower essences related to each chakra.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Homeopathy Transitional Medicine
Topics Include: Exploring the 'bigger picture'. Signs of transformation in peoples' lives. How homeopathy has to transform itself for the 21st century. Homeopathy as a transitional therapy that leads people onto the next step in their personal journey.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Living Abundantly
Topics Include: Finding the source of true abundance. Understanding the law of increase. Retrieving blocked energy. Harnessing your full creative power. Discovering what is of greatest value in your life. Opening yourself to receive.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Mental and Emotional Health
Includes information on releasing and healing past traumas. Treating fears, phobias and panic attacks. Remedies for depression, grief and despair. Poor confidence and guilt. Self-esteem issues.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Musculo-Skeletal Problems
Homeopathic treatment and management of numerous conditions including: Back problems. Bursitis. Carpal tunnel syndrome. Fractures. Growing pains. Muscular spasms and strain. Repetitive strain injury. Scar tissue problems. Sciatica. Spinal injury. Sports injuries. Teno-synovitis. Torticollis. Whiplash. Also includes advice on case management, potency and dosage.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Organ Remedies
Includes the benefits of prescribing organ remedies and when to use them. How to diagnose organ weaknesses. Specific remedies for each major organ. Prescribing tinctures and sarcodes. Related constitutional types.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Running a Successful Practice
Topics Include: Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. Integrating homeopathy with other healing modalities. Being appropriate to your clients' needs. Enhancing the consultation experience. Trusting the healing process.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Seven Herbs
Topics Include: History, folklore and preparation of seven major herbal remedies. Uses and organ affinities of each herb. Dosage and combination with homeopathic treatment. The herbs covered are: Crataegus. Lobelia inflata. Ceanothus. Echinacea. Carduus Mariana. Berberis vulgaris. Avena sativa.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Skin Problems
Includes skin relationships with the elements and planets. Organ and system diagnosis with skin complaints. Using flower essences, herbal tinctures, oils and ointments. Bowel nosodes. Tissue salts. Sunlight & urine therapy. Homeopathic remedies for holistic and therapeutic treatment of skin problems.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
The Natural Traveler
Includes invaluable information on overseas vaccines and how best to avoid them. Sunburn and sunstroke. Travel sickness. Jet lag. Digestive and bowel problems. Altitude sickness. Bites, stings and parasites. Tropical diseases. Creating a natural travel kit.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Therapeutics and Layers
Includes: Understanding the layers model of Eizayaga and when to use it. How to assess constitutional strength. Managing chronic cases. Understanding palliation, supppression and cure. The value of therapeutics. Clinical tips and therapeutic remedies for vaccinations, asthma, allergies, strokes, arthritis, dental work, candida, insomnia etc.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95
Understanding the Miasms
Introduces a new context for understanding the chronic miasms. Key themes of the five major miasms. How miasms reflect stages of development in human consciousness. Positive aspects of the miasms. Disease processes related to each miasm. Related homeopathic and flower essences.
Approx 5 hours, £17.95