So many people ask about this, there seems to be some mystique but it is not difficult.
Most Flower Essences are sold as ‘stock’ bottles, these are simply concentrates (like orange squash) that you can dilute to make up a ready to take ‘dosage’ bottle. This means that the essences you buy will last a long time as you are only taking a few drops out to make up a bottle that will last a long time.
Many people take essences directly from the stock bottle and there is no problem with this, it's easier but your bottle won’t last as long. Some people think that the effect will be stronger taking them 'neat' but Flower Essences work subtly, reinforcing their message over a period of time by repetition so I think this belief needs questioning but you should always go with your own experience and intuition.
To make up a dosage strength bottle from a 'stock' or concentrate, you would dilute few drops from the stock bottle into an empty 30ml dropper bottle. We suggest using a 25% brandy or vodka solution to dilute as a preservative over the 3 or 4 weeks that you may be taking it but if you don’t want any alcohol you can use spring water and keep it in the fridge. Alternatively you can use vinegar or salt to preserve it.
Different ranges of Essences suggest different amounts of drops to be diluted from the stock bottle into a clean 30ml dropper bottle.
Flower Essence Range drops from stock dosage
Australian Bush Flower Essences 7 drops. 7 dps twice daily
Alaskan Flower, Gem and Environmental Essences 2 drops. 4 dps 4 x daily
Bailey Flower Essences 3 drops. 3 dps 3 x daily
Bach Flower Remedies 2 drops. 4 dps 4 x daily
Wild Earth Animal Essences 5-7 drops 5-7 drops 3 to 4 x daily
The Essence makers have come up with what they feel is a good dilution but, again, you can use your intuition or dowsing, muscle testing etc to find what's right for you at this time.
Your body and energy system will always know what it needs better than someone else so don't be afraid of listening to that above the opinion of an 'expert'.