Cygnet (Baby Swan)
Cygnet essence provides nurturing support for feeling and expressing the purity, grace, and divinity of the child we were and who still lives within us.
Supports one to experience the pure Grace of Being. For knowing one's deepest self as Divine and beautiful. Supports experiencing life as an act of Divine Grace. For allowing our Inner Child to feel divinely loved and blessed.
For adults:
- Who as children lost touch with their Divine self, and who need to
reconnect with the experience of their Inner Child as one with Divine
- Who as children lost touch with themselves as beautiful beings.
- Who need to reconnect with their inner life as sacred and blessed.
For children:
- Who have lost their innocence due to trauma and abuse.
- Who need to find reconnect with the fact that they are full of grace
and beauty.
- Who need support to feel their connection and oneness with Spirit.