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    Australian Bush Flower Essences Images

    Australian Bush Flower Essences

    Calm and Clear Bush Essence Combination 30ml Oral Spray

    Helps to find time for one’s self, to relax even with external pressures & demands, to wind down and enjoy relaxing pursuits. Easy to Use: Just 3 sprays on the tongue, morning and night.
    Negative Condition
    Always overcommitted
    No time for self

    Positive Condition
    Encourages own time and space
    Wind down
    Relax and have fun
    Calmness and peace
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    Black-eyed Susan, Boronia, Bottlebrush, Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Jacaranda, Little Flannel Flower and Paw Paw.

    Formulation: Vibrational infusions of the above flowers, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.


    Black-eyed Susan, Boronia, Bottlebrush, Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Jacaranda, Little Flannel Flower and Paw Paw.

    Formulation: Vibrational infusions of the above flowers, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.